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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Defining Leisure - Christine Pedersen

To me, leisure is a lot of things. 

On one hand leisure is coming home. Coming home to your family during school breaks, coming home to your friends during the weekend, or just coming home to someone you care about, who cares about you. Talking to your loved ones about what is going on in their lives. Having the time to really sit down and have long conversations about memories of the past and dreams about the future, without having to think about when you have to get up the next morning. Just having quality time with people you love.

On the other hand, leisure is going away. It is about exploring the world, and getting away from your usual surroundings. Leisure is traveling to new countries and cultures, to see how other people live their lives. It is new experiences, like trying crazy things like river rafting or skydiving, or hiking in different nature surroundings. 

But leisure is also the little things in life. The things you can do in your everyday life, to make it a little bit happier. Take the time to listen through your favorite album, reading a book, or try a new recipe.  Going to a sports event or play some sports yourself. Going to the park, and just relax for a few hours. 

In my opinion, all of these are examples of leisure. Leisure is therefore the time you spend on exactly what you want to do, and not being in a hurry.

This picture is from the Brazilian countryside, where I spent my summer. I was there with my family, and I also got to know a lot of the people who lives there. This vacation combines a lot of what I think of as leisure, like spending time with family and friends, visiting a new culture, and getting new experiences. It was probably my best vacation ever.

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