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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Defining Leisure - Kaitlyn Hull

For me, leisure is loud; its full of laughing; it involves close quarters around a patio table, and sharing seats; it deals with running, kicking, and screaming; it means never leaving my backyard. I consider any time that I am able to spend with my extremely close knit neighborhood, one that resembles a family more than anything else, as my definition of leisure. While it is sometimes chaotic, these people mean everything to me, and there is nothing I would rather do then spend a summer night eating a pot luck dinner after countless backyard games, followed by smores. 

With the 10 or so small children in the make up, I am able to be a kid again. I can play tag, running bases, ghost in the graveyard and catch bugs. I am able to relive childhood every summer night, just before the sun goes down. More importantly though, leisure is the complete enjoyment that comes from watching these kids grow. I have been present for most of the major milestones in these ten small lives, and there is no greater feeling than knowing that I am an integral part of their memories. 

With my 4 peers in our small community, I have found a mini support group. I am able to talk for hours about small insignifiigant matters and huge life decisions. These individuals are the ones who ground me, and help me to remember what is important and who I am. Leisure for me is sitting on the back deck, listening to music and discussing current matters of the heart with 4 individuals who I feel most at home with no matter where I am. 

Finally there are my wildly diverse six  sets of parents who I have come to love and respect as my own.  There is a saying that states "it takes a village to raise a child" and for me, it truly did. Each adult I consider not just my neighbor, but my mentor, my friend, and my parent. They all are so unique and wonderful and have taught me so much. Leisure is the nights I get to spend with them on someone's back porch sitting, laughing, and silently learning from them all. 

Before leaving for school, my definition of leisure was much more stereotypical. I would have said time at the lake or on a beach, where one can experience quiet and solitude. After leaving the neighborhood for an extended period of time, I realize now there is nowhere I would rather be then with all of them. Leisure is different for everyone, but I believe it is when you are most comfortable and most at peace, without constantly formulating the future. For me this happens on a back deck, with the people I love, learning lessons and making memories that I will never forget. 

Leisure Definition, Andres Vertiz

This is a picture of me in Berlin’s Fernsehturm which translates to “television tower”. It is the tallest structure in Berlin which obviously attracts many tourists. To me, this picture is a good depiction of what I consider to be leisure. It shows how I like to observe my surroundings and doing it at an altitude of 1,198 feet really allows me to take Berlin in. It also shows how sight seeing is a main part of leisure for me. My definition of leisure is when you use your time for your own personal pleasure. Leisure is when you are putting aside your responsibilities and taking part in an activity that either interests you or makes you happy. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Leisure Definition, Erin Furmanek

This is a picture of my friends and I in front of one of the houses that we helped build for Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity was a great way to not only give back to those in need, but to also experience a memorable trip with my friends during senior year.  During this service project I was able to experience leisure by participating in something that made me feel like I was making a difference and by also spending quality time with my best friends.  For me, volunteering is a form of leisure because I really enjoy helping others and making a difference.  Spending time with friends is also a major part of my leisure activities because I am free from any stressful environments and I am also myself and very relaxed around them.  My definition of leisure is participating in an activity that brings you happiness and also brings out the best qualities of your personality. 

Leisure Definition: Parth Lakdawala

I think that leisure is something that is unique to each person. I feel that we define leisure as an activity that where we can forget about the daily problems we face and simply enjoy ourselves stress free. My personal definition of leisure is to travel the world and experience all the different cultures and customs that the world has to offer. The picture is of me on the top of Huashan Mountain in Xian, China. It is one of the five scared Taoist mountains and I am sitting at a height that is 1/4 the height of Mount Everest. This picture captures my experiences while traveling very well. Sitting at the edge allowed me to contemplate my life and simply relax without worrying about everyday problems. Being surrounded by a different culture helped satisfy my desire to learn and immerse myself into different cultures and customs. Finally, traveling around and meeting people helps broaden one's horizons and learn how the world and its people are truly interconnected. 

Leisure Definition - Patrick Heddins

          This is a picture of me atop Nevada Falls in Yosemite National Park, California.  I am shown doing one of my favorite pastimes, simply gazing in awe and wonder at the beauty of our natural world. Unfortunately, this picture may have taken away some of the greatness of that experience because now when I think of that particular hike I went on, I think of this picture, as opposed to the feelings and emotions that I was actually experiencing during those moments.  Regardless, it serves as a reminder for me to get back out there, to Yosemite or any other wilderness area, for those are the places in which I find the deepest serenity and realize the connectedness of all things in this world.  I could say my personal definition of leisure is to get out into the natural world, but it quickly falls apart when you realize that my hiking guide considered our time together as work, due to his responsibilities, so I would have to say that leisure is something that is freely chosen by someone to bring joy or happiness in some form or another.

Leisure Definiton, Lauren Bontemps (includes picture)

This picture is of myself and teammate's playing in a basketball tournament over spring break. I played basketball in high school, and because of my love for the game, I decided to continue to play. This pictures represents my leisure being put into action. Playing basketball is one way I use leisure. Basketball is a part of my life that I have to relax and enjoy. I believe leisure is a type of activity you participate in that causes you happiness, relaxation, and physical movement individually or with a group of people.

Leisure Definition, Lauren Bontemps

This picture is of myself and teammate's playing in a basketball tournament over spring break. I played basketball in high school, and because of my love for the game, I decided to continue to play. This pictures represents my leisure being put into action. Playing basketball is one way I use leisure. Basketball is a part of my life that I have to relax and enjoy. I believe leisure is a type of activity you participate in that causes you happiness, relaxation, and physical movement individually or with a group of people.

Alvin Fields' Leisure

This is a picture of the beach in Mexico my family and I went to during Christmas break last year. It represents complete abandonment of thoughts from school and the real world. We went on this vacation immediately following my last final and since it had been my first year in college, the break was more than necessary. It was a nice way to escape the stress and pressures of school. The calm atmosphere allowed for complete relaxation. My definition of leisure would be; the process of losing yourself from your responsibilities and relaxing without thought of the consequences.